Your first encounter will be a medical evaluation by our specialist who will develop a treatment plan which may or may not include acupuncture. This encounter should be covered by your health insurance company with some restrictions depending on your plan such as a need for a health care provider referral.
Follow up 50 minute acupuncture sessions have a cost of 70 dollars each. These are not covered by your health insurance. We are constantly having promotional rates. Ask us about current sales and packages.
Protocol based, needle free, ear acupuncture visits for weight loss, smoking cessation, substance abuse or anxiety with acu-magnets, have a cost of 30 dollars each. This lower cost accounts for a more frequent need and typically takes 10 minutes to apply. These treatments are already covered, when needed, in the 50 minute acupuncture sessions.
If you do not have health insurance, the cost of the first 50 minute acupuncture session is 120 dollars. Depending on the condition to be treated, (does not apply to chronic pain disorders, weight loss or substance abuse) we could require you to have a medical evaluation by a different provider within six months before the acupuncture treatment. In this scenario, the visit does not include a medical evaluation.
For patients without health insurance we do not offer medical treatment beyond acupuncture and behavioral modification such as nutritional recommendations, stress management among others.